07.04. - 07.04.2022

Takeover Tour through the current exhibition 'Beton' with Martin Ostermann (Universität Stuttgart)

6 PM

Today, concrete is the most widely used building material on earth. Yet increasing awareness of its significant ecological impact has made clear that the status quo of building in concrete is no longer tenable. As long-standing arguments in favor of the material are being put into question, what better moment than now to venture a closer look at what concrete is and has been, so as to start imagining what it still could be?
The historical scope of the exhibition 'Beton' is complemented by a public events program, which focuses on the use of this material today and opens the discussion on its possible futures. 

In this context, also a Takeover Tour of the exhibition with Martin Ostermann (University of Stuttgart) will take place. Ostermann teaches skeleton construction, lightweight construction, and ultra-lightweight construction at the Institute of Building Construction at the University of Stuttgart. He is interested in how buildings can become carbon-neutral through innovative materials and construction methods. This year, the architecture students at the University of Stuttgart have proclaimed the semester motto «building without concrete». With this in mind, Ostermann's tour will also explore the question of whether and how the projects on display could and would perhaps be built differently today. Where could we use alternative materials today? Which materials would come into consideration? And what does the material crisis mean for architectural design?  

Prof. Martin Ostermann studied architecture at the Technical University in Aachen, the Bartlett School of Architecture and the Architectural Association in London. He is a founding director of magma architecture. He taught at the Technical University in Cottbus, at the Chalmers University in Gothenburg, at the GUtech in Muscat, The University of Western Australia, and The University of Sydney. In 2018 Martin Ostermann was appointed as full professor at the University of Stuttgart.

Registration: event@sam-basel.org
Costs: CHF 12.- / red. CHF 8.-, guided tour free of charge
Please note that the usual hygiene and distance rules of the FOPH apply, as well as a mask recommendation.