01.07. - 12.11.2017

in Land aus Land. Swiss Architects Abroad

Opening: 30/06/2017, 7 PM

Swiss architects trying their luck abroad is not a new phenomenon, but Swiss architecture’s definitive international breakthrough was facili- tated by Ticino’s Tendenza and German-speaking Switzerland’s minimalism. The projects realised abroad are often larger, more monumental or more experimental than those in Switzerland. Architects like Mario Botta, Bernard Tschumi, Peter Zumthor, Diener & Diener and Herzog & de Meuron have created symbols of Swiss architecture on the international stage. Construction abroad can entail risks, but despite this, it is by no means only the big names who plan and build abroad. In this exhibition, S AM presents selected examples of built and planned projects from the past 10 years. Here, special attention is also paid to the backflow from this work. How has the experience influenced the architects’ local practice? The exhibition ‘in Land aus Land’ and the August issue of werk, bauen + wohnen ‘Import-Export’ are the result of a joint examination of the topics knowledge transfer, cultural exchange, development aid and loss of control.

With projects by: 
Andreas Fuhrimann Gabrielle Hächler Architekten, Annika Seifert und Gunter Klix/APC, Bernard Tschumi Architects, BHSF, Diener & Diener Architekten, E2A, EM2N, Fabulous Urban, Herzog & de Meuron, HHF, Jaccaud Zein Architects, Jan Henrik Hansen + Rolf Iseli, Manuel Herz Architekten, Mario Botta Architetto, Markus Schietsch Architekten, Nele Dechmann Architektur, NOMOS Groupement d'Architectes, Pierre-Alain Dupraz Architecte, raumbureau, Stocker Lee Architetti, Rahbaran Hürzeler Architects, saas, studio we architetti, Udo Thönnissen

photo credit:
S AM installation views
​photo: Tom Bisig

werk, bauen + wohnen
Maison Européenne de l'Architecture

Upcoming exhibitions

19.10.2024 - 16.03.2025

Soft Power: The Brussels Way of Making the City

Opening: 18/10/2024, 7 PM

The exhibition 'Soft Power: The Brussels Way of Making the City' traces Belgium's journey to becoming an internationally renowned hotspot for contemporary architecture and urban planning. The show sheds light on the framework conditions that have given rise to a high-quality building culture in Brussels and encouraged a new generation of architects to participate in its urban development. 

Curators: Roxane Le Grelle, Andreas Kofler (S AM)​

An exhibition of S AM Swiss Architecture Museum in cooperation with the
Bouwmeester Maître Architecte (BMA) and with support of Brussels Capital Region.